I went back to work on January 27 which was welcoming but so very hard at the same time. Missed "adult time" but also felt like a part time parent. Wake Jia up in the morning, spend only 45 minutes with her before I take her over to the sitters house, go to work, pick up Jia and spend 2 hours of not so quality time with her while I try to cook dinner, give her a bath, little bit of play time and then put her down for bed around 8 pm. Then repeat times five.... I will say it's been an adjustment but very worth it.

Our little girl turned one on February 13, 2010!!
We had Jia's birthday, Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day and Jia's one year Dr. appointment. We crammed her birthday, Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day all on the same day. What were we thinking?? I didn't do the best planning either. I'll be better next year....promise.

During February she still has been pulling herself up on everything and walking along with support of the couch, kitchen chair, walls or her "walker" toy. We call her the old lady because she'll cruise along with her "walker" toy and does what ever she needs to do in that area and then grabs her "walker" toy and moves along to the next mission.

She has four teeth on top and two on the bottom.
She is not a picky eater but really doesn't care for green beans, potato salad or anything with italian dressing on it. She loves getting out of the house but the weather has been so cold and snowy this year we haven't been hanging outside much.

We had a lot going on in March. Our best friends Matt and Carrie were married, Jia got to meet her Aunt Debi and Uncle Zak from California, Uncle Jason, Aunt Jennifer and cousin Natalie came in town and I had one of the big birthday's.
Jia was hanging out over at Grandma and Grandpa O's house on March 12 meeting her Aunt Debi and Uncle Zak and she decided that this was a great time to start walking. Actually walking from point A to point B.

Matt and Carrie where married on March 13 and we had a wonderful time. I'll have to get some pictures of Jia in her dress, she was so pretty.
Natalie and Jia got to hang out over the weekend and they had so much fun together. Jia was trying to do everything her cousin was doing. She was trying to hold on to the railing of the stairs while she was going up or down, she learned how to splash big time in the tub, loved sitting on her lap when she sat down and monkey see monkey do everything that Natalie was doing.
After the wedding everyone in the house was sick and it was no fun. No fun when baby girl can't breathe and doesn't have an appetite because she can't taste anything. Took a few weeks but everyone finally got better.
Spring is almost here... grass is turning green and flowers are starting to bloom. Long overdue.