Out and about the last few weeks and we took Jia to the Zoo so she could check out the animals. She was a bit indifferent and didn't seem all that excited about the animals, but we had a good walk around the park. She seemed to like the Tigers the best, you know they are one of her favorite animals at this time.

It's been extremely hot in the Midwest already so we decided to get Jia a wading pool for the back yard. She loves bathes but isn't totaling in love with the cold hose water in the wading pool. We did end up taking her to the "big" pool and she was fine with the water there. I think she liked checking out all the other kids at the park more than anything.

One of Jia's favorite things to play with are books. She loves being read to and pretending to read to you. Here she is reading Peter Rabbit to me. Just love her! :o)
She is just beautiful..great pictures!!